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Whatever is the psychological,social,or the medical use of drugs, this is first of all a person's responsibility.
Different consumers use different drugs for different reasons. Some drugs may create an addiction or a bigger dependence than others. Addiction depends on the drug in question, on the person, on the circumstances and the manner in which the drug is consumed.
Drugs can be used by individuals to:
-exceptional, the person tries once or many times a drug without continuing this practice;
-occasionally ,using drugs in an intermittent form, without having to get up to physical and psychological dependence;
-from time to time, use of drugs in a given circumstance;
-systematic use of drugs of addiction and installation.
There are several methods of consumption or drug addiction. These include: the provision of special drugs under medical supervision; psychotherapy treatments or similar forms of treatment; joining groups made up of former customers; rehabilitation in a Rehabilitation Center; posting of the situation or social group where he began using drugs. Many of the above methods cost money, and some companies do not provide adequate resources in order to refrain from drug use and rehabilitation.
Success also depends on willpower and motivation.
With this opinion the psychologist Lilia Todirascu ,member of "For the Present and Future" NGO, proposed to organise a meeting with beneficiaries of the project on the 17.04.2013, at the head office of the organization. The meeting was attended by 31 people, with different characteristics: both sexes, aged between 23 and 48, and diversified consumer type, who tried in the past different methods of treating addiction.
The purpose of the meeting was to identify the effective model that can help the person to overcome successfully the drug addiction. During the meeting there were different opinions regarding the treatment of addiction, those who have gone through several treatment methods several times or exposed themselves discouraged by their inefficiency of methods.
As a result of discussion by going through the stages of recovery, I have come to the opinion of the majority (some have stayed with their opinion) that success depends on individual effort, desire, and intended use. This effort can be continuously throughout life, so searching for the right model just may be ahead, but never non-existent.