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Because Tuberculosis was a public health problem and continues to be, from time to time "For the Present and Future" Organization is involved in activities to inform those more exposed categories of the population in making tuberculosis. Among them are HIV infected, Drug Users, people who come in contact with Tuberculosis outbreaks or constantly with people infected with TB.
March 19, 2013, the psychologist in the framework of the project "Strengthening the Role of thePatient and Community in TB Control ", Ruxanda Boișteanu had a meeting with Drug Users, during which she emphasized the importance of the specific anti-tuberculosis treatment, risk factors that cause tuberculosis and not the last, addressing immediately to specialized services for the medical assistance. Those present at the meeting were between age 22-35 years, two of the recipients have been confronted with the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Eduard, 29 years: "When I said I am tuberculosis diagnosed, I accept it hardly. When I told friends, relatives, I expected from them somehow understanding, support, but unfortunately I did not received anything else than ignorance. I was hospitalized for 7 months…. It was the most terrible time in my life ...Now I no longer have TB, but still living with this fear not repeat the experience ... "
Alina,32 m years: "I don't want to remember.... ..It was very hard ....Thank God I am ok now! "
The beneficiaries were open and quite receptive to the information presented, even by means of questions regarding TB symptomatic and duration of the treatment. After this meeting, they went to the office of the Organization, where recipients were offered a therapy group. During the therapy, beneficiaries have interwoven between them, were active, and expressed themselves deliberately via drawing process. Recipients were invited to express their moods through a drawing. I considered this technique encourages creativity, reduces stress levels and stimulates them to explore their feelings.Mood differed from enthusiasm till to depression. The beneficiaries will be involved in the group therapy in the near future.